Momentum is Building: Comparing Unreal to Element Finance

Unreal Finance
4 min readOct 26, 2021


With an overall market cap of $2.84 Trillion, cryptocurrency seems to be gaining speed in Up-tober. Many coins and tokens are revisiting highs not seen since last April. DeFi too is experiencing massive growth with over $163 billion total value as retail once again enters the market. The sentiment is certainly positive, with everyone from new participants and established degenerates to seasoned VCs once again venturing out and seeking value in cutting edge protocols and more speculative NFT plays.

One area in particular that appears to be rapidly gaining attention and investment, is the yield futures space. Within this arena there are only a few contenders that are brave enough to boldly go where few protocols have gone before and push the boundaries of DeFi to truly participate in the evolution of lending and borrowing.

With traditional finance’s addressable lending market valued at approximately $6.9 trillion, this market has room for continued growth, and DeFi will enable it. DeFi’s increased efficiency and ease of accessibility make it a likely contender to outcompete traditional finance and ultimately absorb it altogether. As adoption grows, this new financial technology’s first movers will reap outsized returns, strengthening the case for adoption and helping to convert those who are reluctant to embrace innovation. Protocols like Unreal will be needed to accommodate larger institutions because we provide the more complex infrastructure and services that said institutions require.

Unreal works by providing the user with a framework to mint both yield bearing tokens and ownership tokens when they provide liquidity through the platform. Additionally, Unreal supplies a market to trade said tokens. The ability to separate yield from the underlying staked assets allows users to trade, fix, or speculate on yields. Unreal provides its patrons with an unprecedented level of control over their yield, which is precisely the amount of stability and control that will attract larger institutional players to the notoriously volatile DeFi market.

Element Finance’s recently completed series A funding round is a great example of the industry waking up to the realisation of the huge potential for those who utilise such methods to free their locked liquidity and the time advantage that using such protocols can afford those who do.

While protocols like Element are doing a great job of opening up the conversation and highlighting the need for yield futures, they are limited as they typically only service a small set of lending and borrowing protocols. Element routinely relies solely upon AAVE and Compound; however, Unreal isn’t limited to established protocols. Unreal’s flexibility allows for the integration of additional platforms. This increased choice of borrowing protocols along with our drive to operate across multiple chains sets Unreal apart. We are unique within the yield futures space, which gives our users the ability to customize their experience in a way that is not currently possible.

“Providing our users with the ability to choose is very important to us. The more flexible we can be as a protocol, the more utility and ultimately the more value we can provide to our users” -Ishan Garg, Founder & CEO

With our Beta right around the corner, the race for the title of the ‘most advanced yield futures protocol’ is certainly heating up. As few notable competitors like Element launch and the yield futures infrastructure draws increased attention from the broader finance world, Unreal stands apart from the crowd. With our unprecedented flexibility, seamless UI, and our array of powerful partnerships, we believe Unreal has the edge required to come out on top. Join us on social media to learn more about why our future is Unreal and connect with a global community of DeFi enthusiasts — like you — today.

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